Alessandra Pluda
My research interests are in the field of Geometric Analysis.
Research topics:​
Inverse Mean Curvature flow, p-harmonic functions and applications
Calibrations for the Steiner Problem, minimal partitions and the mailing problem
Here you can find the lists of my publications.
Slides of talks:
Flows by curvature and nonlinear potentials. Monotonicity formula and functional inequalities - Roma
Network flow: the charm of the (apparent) simplicity - Hangzhou
Network flow: state of the art - Slides
Elastic flow - Pavia
Higher order flows of curves and networks - Gaeta
Willmore Energy for 1-dimentional singular structures - Matrix
Evolution of Vector Fields on Flexible Curves and Surfaces - CRM
Steiner problem: calibrations and convexifications - Brixen
Calibrations for the Steiner problem in a covering space setting -Wurzburg
Spines of minimal length in Riemannian surfaces - Windberg
Christopher Brand [I]
Luca Benatti [III]
Marcello Carioni [III]
Anna Dall'Acqua [II]
Marco Degiovanni [I]
Giacomo Del Nin [I]
Georg Dolzmann [I]
Harald Garcke [II]
Michael Gößwein [I]
Ariadna León Quirós [I]
Jorge Lira [I]
Carlo Mantegazza [VI]
Andrea Marchese [I]
Bruno Martelli [I]
Rafe Mazzeo [I]
Julia Menzel [III]
Matteo Novaga [VI]
Francesca Oronzio [II]
Marco Pozzetta [VI]
Stefano Riolo [I]
Mariel Saez [I]
Felix Schulze [I]
Riccardo Tione [I]